Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thoughts About Omegas...

One of my favorite health sites is I encourage you to check it out if you are so inclined. There was a lot of information about omegas that I want to share. If you take any source of omega 3-6-9, and I hope you do, follow these guidelines:

A. Buy in a glass bottle, not clear or plastic. The florescent and UVB ray will turn the oil rancid.
B. Buy in small amounts, not large containers. You have a better chance of freshness.
C. When possible, buy direct ship from a distributor. Who know how long that bottle has been sitting on the shelf.

Consider buying krill oil. It contains lower metals and is far more effective in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.


  1. Thanks for the information Deidre! I love that site! Great information :)
