Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Los Angeles Area Fans, Tune In!

Tune into the KTLA morning show on Wednesday, September 1st. I'll be on sometime after 9!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, David!

For many of us it's the last hours of Summer Break. What a flood of mixed feelings. It's David's senior year so everything seems like 'the last time he'll fill in the blank.' David's 18th was wonderful. Enjoy some photos. All my cakes have flowers...it's the only decoration I can do.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Days of Summer...

Well, my baby boy turned 18 yesterday. We celebrated in our traditional way. A small family party on the back porch. David had two friends there ... his cousin, Ariana, stopped by as did Robin, the boy's surrogate mom. Tully and I grilled burgers and salmon and made David's favorite cake. It was a sweet night filled with great fun and dear memories. We measured David's height on the permanent measuring wall in the kitchen...another fun tradition.

David is playing football this year and has been practicing in the brutal heat of the valley. Yipes! Tully and I attended the Open House of his school's new location. It was lovely and good to see familiar faces. Seems summer is trying to wrap itself up. I will begin press on the book in September. I'll let you know when to watch or show up. 18. Hmmm...

One of the gentler moments of the evening when the boys and I sat together to send Rob a video birthday greeting. Rob is Robin's eldest son. His truck hit an IED in Afghanistan last week. He's been hospitalized with a badly broken foot and a concussion. We've been very concerned about him. It was a very moving moment.