Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Preparing For Cold & Flu Season

IT'S COLD AND FLU SEASON. More than 300 different viruses can cause colds, so each time you have a cold it is caused by a distinct virus. It's important to realize that there are currently NO drugs available that can kill these cold-producing viruses.

There are, however, a number of ways to ensure you won't end up with a cold. One of the most important is to make sure you optimize your vitamin D levels year-round.

(In addition, there's compelling evidence that seasonal influenza is little more than a symptom of vitamin D deficiency!)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Celebrity Poker Benefit

I attended the celebrity poker game to benefit the Children's Institute. The fundraiser is organized by Camryn Manheim. It was a terrific afternoon, everyone had a howling good time, and raised lots of money for at risk kids.

With Camryn Manheim

With Brandon Beemer

Table Signing

The Poker Group

Monday, October 18, 2010

Genius Soup!

I had 8 women over for "Beauty Parlor Day". Cool here so I served the Genius Vegetable Soup. David walked in near the end, stopped dead in his tracks and said, "The soup's not gone, is it?!!" It is now!!

Want to try the recipe? You can find it in my new book, available for purchase here at amazon.com. Deidre Hall's Kitchen Closeup

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Back to College!!

Loving my 'Negotiate to Win' class. Learning about 'trigger words' and when to say, "Let me rephrase that".

If you're not following me on Twitter, join me now.

And don't forget to VOTE on Tuesday!!

Book Sales!

Had a great response and sales of my book from doing the Larry Flick show! Fun and effective! Catch it on my web site www.deidrehall.me

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thoughts About Omegas...

One of my favorite health sites is Mercola.com. I encourage you to check it out if you are so inclined. There was a lot of information about omegas that I want to share. If you take any source of omega 3-6-9, and I hope you do, follow these guidelines:

A. Buy in a glass bottle, not clear or plastic. The florescent and UVB ray will turn the oil rancid.
B. Buy in small amounts, not large containers. You have a better chance of freshness.
C. When possible, buy direct ship from a distributor. Who know how long that bottle has been sitting on the shelf.

Consider buying krill oil. It contains lower metals and is far more effective in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.