Friday, July 9, 2010


If you are looking for a light-hearted, laugh-out-loud Summer movie, take yourself to see Grownups. Tully and I made a last minute decision to go and had a delicious time. We both laughed out loud at the hilarious relationship driven banter. Then we strolled down to Steve Madden and wound up at Johnny Rockets reviewing our favorite moments. Life is good!


  1. Ah, my bf and I just laughed out loud at that mobie! Good times! Freaking hilarious! Love Sandler!!!

  2. Was it really that good? I love Sandler movies. Looks like another movie night for me :) I love it that you actually spend time with your children. What a great Mama you are!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Let's try this again without help from children...

    Oh, that movie looks so funny!! I haven't been to the movies in ages. Last time I went with my husband, we saw one of the X-Men movies, and I fell asleep half way through it. LOL!!

  5. My boyfriend and I are going to see it tomorrow. Can't wait!!

  6. The guys recently did an interview, all together, and said that now they are daddies that they think about the movies that they make and the things that they say in those movies. They want to make movies that their kids can watch but still be themselves. SNL has produced some great comediac actors.

  7. Oh I love Johnny Rockets but I can't eat there any more Deidre!! Have never heard of the movie. Darn now I want a cheeseburger with fries and chocolate milk shake!!!

  8. Love Johnny Rockets lol

    Will have to check the movie out! :)

    BTW so enjoying your blog! Will be blogging on your trip? Hope so!

  9. Such a funtastic movie! I saw it too! It's great and made me laugh hysterically! ;)

  10. We'll have to check out that movie! I'm excited about your book.. I'm into food and being frugal!!
